As an innovative hardware-producing and software-developing tech company we are creating future-proof smart homes and smart home systems for apartment buildings. With our integrated solutions, everyone can enjoy the luxury of a safe, convenient, and energy-saving home. The most modern technology is now affordable. No compromises.

own assets

integration tools


system installation

Always optimal temperature
- calculates when to turn on
- heaters can be controlled remotely
- aerates regularly to keep the air fresh
- the automatization adapts to your habits
- sets the optimal temperature for the time you get home
Automatic shading
- monitors the position of the Sun and adjusts to it
- shades can be set remotely and programmed as well
- automatic shade sail-controlling according to wind and sunshine
- curtains can be connected too
- desired shading can be set remotely

Safe and
convenient entry
- doors can be opened via the app, without keys or cards
- guests may be granted entry remotely
- smartwatches, fingerprints, and keypad can be used
- temporary entry can be granted, e.g. to cleaners
- video doorbell can be checked via your mobile
Energy management
- everything is automatically turned off once you leave your home
- energy usage is visualized on a graph
- notices if e.g. the iron is left on, turns off the relevant plug
- child safety locks can be forgotten – only what you need is turned on
- meters can be read remotely

Smart apartment buildings
- common costs can be paid via the mobile app
- you can call the elevator to your floor
- you can reserve common areas, your spot at the gym or the electric car charging station
- garage door or gate can be opened
- errors and maintenance request can be submitted
And this is not everything! In a smart home, lighting, media-controlling, self-watering, wellness, and other intelligent systems are creating a more comfortable life. Should you be interested in other functionalities, do not hesitate to contact us!
The UpHome

Advantages in and beyond your home
Our innovative solutions grant you the comfort of the newest technology in your home and in your living area.
- Your family and valuables are in safe hands.
- You can monitor and optimize energy consumption.
- You can save time through automatized processes.
- Common matters can be handled via a shared communications platform.
Benefits to real estate investors

The cities of the future, the modern homes of new generations are being built today.
UpHome integrates the newest technological developments from all areas of everyday life.
- We created sustainable and flexibly extensible smart home solutions.
- Innovative developments specifically tailored to apartment complexes.
- Our integrative solutions grant us a head start on the smart home market.
- Our international successes prove the effectiveness of our approach.

Benefits to installers
Our installing partners offer an advanced solution for our customers compared to
- Total compatibility with other systems, available in wired or wireless versions.
- Continuous supply is guaranteed by our self-produced hardware.
- Partners are supported by continuous trainings and support.
- Our innovative solution grants a head start in this up-and-coming field.

UpHome by Chameleon
UpHome is a brand of Chameleon Smart Home PLC. connected to apartment complexes. The company was founded in 2017 by Peter Szarvas and Robert Biro with the purpose of creating a living space that connects humans to technology and combines eco- consciousness with artificial intelligence in order to provide the highest level of user experience possible.
The company introduced its new solution specifically designed for apartment complexes in 2022, which connects smart homes with facility management and convenient social functionalities so that people could connect with their neighbors easily. The stocks of the company are available for trading on the Budapest Stock Market based in Hungary since February 2023.

Technical Specs

Materials for apartment complexes
Detailed description of the system and its functionalities developed for apartment complexes

Introduction of Chameleon
Smart Home PLC.

Documentation and user manual of the UpHome application
UpHome Europe
Barnabás Tóth
Head of Business Development
North America